Which Elf Mum are you?

Which Elf Mum are you?

The Good Intentions Elf Mom: 
This year will be different, you say. The Elf will do something new every day! I will make a plan, really try and the Elf will do something different every night! By day four, you are done. Your Elf spends the rest of its days in the Christmas tree that you also swore would be taken down by the 15th of January. You need to come up with a better explanation than the Elf is sick and is resting, when her kids question why the Elf isn’t moving anymore.

The Overachiever Elf Mum:
Your Elf is name and has a birth certificate. You have been hitting Pinterest for new ideas, you have to be fresh and cannot repeat anything from previous years! You have worked out where to source everything you need and you have a plan for them to arrive before 1 December.  You have worked out every scene and picked the optimal days for them in your planner and you have the reminders set in your iPhone each day with the scene to ensure that you do not forget! (Not that you ever would).  While your kids love this tradition, let’s be honest: you do it more for yourself than the kids.

The Bare Minimum Elf Mum:
You read the book to your kids and move the Elf around the house each night, but she doesn’t get too involved with it. It’s just not that big of a deal to you, or her kids. This year, you might even get some popcorn and stream a Christmas movie, but probably not. You are the easy kind of mom. The kids’ behaviour is enough for you without having to add Elf antics to the mix.

The Elf is a Bribe Mum:
You are always looking for ways to use traditions to your advantage. You gets the Elf. You play the game, but you have an ulterior motive. You tactic is to use the tradition to gain good behaviour from the children. “The Elf is watching!” you exclaim as your kids do something they shouldn’t. Your Elf has super powers like watching the kids at school and being able to take away all of their favourite toys.

The What the Elf Mum:
You have not even heard of The Elf on the Shelf, much less purchased one or come up with any schemes for it. Clearly, that means you doesn’t spend any time on the internet before Christmas. You will hear about him at some point, though, because it’s EVERYWHERE. I wonder what type of Elf Mum you will be when she’s finally confronted with the tradition.

The Elf Hater Mum:
Not only do you refuse to participate in this tradition, but you loathe it and may openly mock the Overachiever Elf Mum (in a loving way, of course!). You just have too much other stuff going on to add yet another time suck to your life. You will not bow down to a plush doll in the name of Christmas spirit. In fact, the only spirit she’s interested in is of the alcoholic variety. Pass the wine, please.

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